Patch 2.2.13 released!
YR Red-Resurrection is back baby, with a swathe of new units, Confederation buffs, new maps, AI improvements, graphical improvements, bug fixes and more! Check out a brief trailer below, showcasing some of the changes.

And that's just skimming the surface! To go into a bit more detail, let's take a look one of the coolest additions - the Vandal Scraptank.


A new tier 4 'monster tank' for Confederation, this beast is only available from a support power attached to the Revolutionary Headquarters. It only costs $1500 to spawn 3 of these bad boys, but before they can become too powerful they have to earn some kills! With each veterancy level the tank attaches more armour and weaponry, eventually becoming a formidable weapon that can turn the tides of battle.
Furthermore, navy has seen a number of additions to make that lacklustre area of combat more interesting. Both factions now get repair ships - the Rig and Lifeboat - as well as helicopter carriers - the War Turtle and Crocodile. This to add another layer of combat, where anti-aircraft can be a requirement and to help mixing of different unit types.


Moreover the Gunboat has been replaced with the Minisub, making early game engagements potentially more interesting. All pre-existing vessels have had balance adjustments as well.

Of course there are more new maps as always, ranging from 1v1 to 3v3. Here are a few examples:


Of course there are many balance changes too, bug fixes and so on! Here's an overview of the entire patch:

Big Features
  • Addition: Minisub. Replaces the Gunboat for the Allies. A small submarine, good against light ships.
  • Additions: Rig and Lifeboat, for the Allies and Soviets respectively. Repair ships available at the Naval Yard.
  • Additions: War Turtle and Crocodile Heli-hauler, for the Allies and Soviets respectively. Available at the Naval Yard with either Airforce Command HQ or Air Strategy Centre. A long range attack helicopter carrier, good vs enemy vessels, structures and off-shore bombardment.
  • Additions: Charge Thrower and Torpedo Tower, for the Allies and Soviets respectively. Available with the Naval Yard, these two are defensive structures for use on water, with good range and sensors, intended to better protect the shore allowing fleets to spend their time elsewhere.
  • Addition: Vandal Invasion, support power for Confederation at the Revolutionary Headquarters. For $1500 credits it spawns 3 Vandal Scraptanks at the HQ, which are quick anti-tank vehicles. Their speciality is the ability to upgrade themselves with each veterancy level, gaining strength, firepower and anti-air / anti-infantry rockets as well! Furthermore they can enter Resistance Tunnels, allowing for powerful strikes anywhere on the battlefield.
  • AI updates including nerfs to support power usage and Chronosphere support.
  • New interactable natural features such as Destructible Rocks and Tornadoes (map specific).
  • 9 all new maps for skirmish and multiplayer.
  • Reworked over a dozen existing maps for more interesting strategies and improved balance.
  • Tonnes of significant balance adjustments and bug fixes.
You can view the full changelog here.

The patch can be downloaded and manually installed, if you are unable to use the client updater for whatever reason.


Remember you can always join our Discord for active discussion and first-look at every upcoming patch, as well as organise games online!


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Posted by OmegaBolt on December 16, 2019. View Comments 0

Patch 2.2.12 released!

Four months of development, but hopefully worth the wait! Feel like I've said this a lot, but 2.2.12 is a big patch. It's main change is the inclusion of a brand new 5-mission campaign for the United States, marking the beginning of Red-Resurrection timeline. Furthermore the campaign features great voice acting and fully animated cutscenes between missions to tell the story in detail! Check out the trailer below.



The campaign can be found in the singleplayer menu of course, and although it can be played in any order I recommend going through them as listed for the story to make sense! Due to the size of the cutscenes I have put them up as a separate download, but please grab them before playing as they should massively improve the experience (and a lot of work went into them!).

That's not all however. Soviet Russia has received a replacement for the Tupolev, a jet which greatly added to their already potent frontline force. Instead, they receive a support power on T3 with the Air Strategy Control named the Judas Corps.



Judas Corps paradrops in 2 Spetsnaz infantry, equipped with a long range rifle and 'Blackout' EMP charges for use on structures. That is their main use, to sabotage enemy producted by disabling factories. This gives Russia another dimension and unique ability to slow down their enemy with subterfuge.

On top of that there are a bunch of new maps! Here are a few examples:



Of course there are many balance changes too, bug fixes and so on! Here's an overview of the entire patch:

Big Features

  • Added a brand new 5-mission United States campaign, including full voice acting! The US has had enough of Libya's belligerence and launched an invasion with the goal of toppling it's president Hamza al-Sanussi - and thus beginning the Red-Resurrection story.
  • ADDITION: the Judas Corps support power for Soviet Russia. Available at T3 from the Air Strategy Control, it paradrops 2 Spetsnaz special forces equipped with a long range anti-infantry rifle and anti-structure EMP bombs. Capable of disabling enemy structures for 45 seconds at a time. Replaces the Tupolev.
  • 11 all new maps for skirmish and multiplayer.
  • Improvements to several Red Alert 2 campaign missions, making them harder on higher difficulties.
  • Hot new lava tilesets featured on many new and old maps.
  • Reworked existing maps for more interesting strategies and improved balance.
  • Many balance adjustments and bug fixes.

You can view the full changelog here.

The patch can be downloaded and manually installed, if you are unable to use the client updater for whatever reason.




Remember you can always join our Discord for active discussion and first-look at every upcoming patch!

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Posted by OmegaBolt on June 8, 2019. View Comments 0

Patch 2.2.10 released!

Patch 2.2.10 has been released, this time with the major theme being revitalising naval combat. Two new units have been added for that - the Gunboat and Zhaba - and existing units have been reworked, moved around on the tech tree etc. Hopefully it feels more well structured, chunkier and satisfying to play on the seas.

Europe has also received another dose of adjustments, with the addition of the Quantum Lab and Crackdown power, making them a bit more versatile and less rigid in their playstyle. Screenshots of those changes can be seen below.

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Big Features

  • REWORKED NAVY, including a new ship for both the Allies and the Soviets as well as rebalanced and reworked existing units for more sensible battles on the seas.
  • NEW CONTENT FOR EUROPE: the Quantum Lab on T2, which now provides the Quantum Leap ability, and Crackdown, a T3 power that equips GIs with riot gear!
  • NEW CONTENT AT THE SECRET LAB: the Magnetron! On T3, it now slows units to a crawl, and attaches a magnetic effect to them further slowing other nearby enemies. A highly useful support unit.
  • Lots of big reworks to existing maps with a navy focus, helping to further flesh out that area of the game.
  • 7 brand new, high quality maps for multiplayer!
  • Updated campaign missions to support the new navy as well as fix a few issues and adjust unit availability.
  • Lots of balance adjustments to existing units and bug fixes.

You can view the full changelog here.
YouTube Content
As always, the YouTube channel has been continually updated with new content - and that will continue! Subscibe to the channel for updates on every video.


The patch can be downloaded and manually installed, if you are unable to use the client updater for whatever reason.


Remember you can always join our Discord for active discussion and first-look at every upcoming patch!

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Posted by OmegaBolt on November 24, 2018. View Comments 0

August Update

The next patch is well underway and possibly the most game-changing yet as it includes alterations to several countries- more on those can be read on the relevant images below.

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As well as those, there is certainly more to come, the usual host of balance changes and many new maps.

Community YouTube Content
Lots of people have started uploading multiplayer games of Red-Resurrection. Check out their channels and subscribe to follow for future matches.
A 2v2 on Sovereign's channel:

A 1v1 from JackoDerp:

And a 1v1 from WavePy:

Often these videos feature some of the new upcoming content first, so worth a watch if you're interested in seeing how the latest changes play in action, and of course you can always join the Discord channel to get involved yourself!

That's all this update but as always the next patch isn't too far away and should definitely see the mod shape up into something even more complete, polished and fun to play!

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Posted by OmegaBolt on September 2, 2018. View Comments 0

Patch 2.2.8 released!
Patch 2.2.8 for YR Red-Resurrection has been released! This one's been somewhat delayed but it has all been for good reasons. In the background, or rather on the discord channel, this patch has been gestating and tested on a weekly basis to include bigger changes than can be achieved in a simple one month patch!

Big Features
  • EUROPEAN COUNTRY REWORK- Chrono Legionnaires have been moved to T3, and Sonic Enforcers moved up to T4, with related balance tweaks. This is to help make Europe slightly easier to combat on T3, as the Sonic Enforcer/Bishop combo was incredibly powerful, but it also provides them with more mobility and versatility earlier on. Chrono Legionnaires were also underused in multiplayer, making them more relevant now. Furthermore, Speedways have been completely removed and instead Warp Nodes now also buff the speed of surrounding units.
  • UNIVERSAL SELF HEAL CHANGE- Thanks to a new feature from AlexB, the developer of Ares, it is now possible for combat to prevent self healing- and that is applied to Red-Resurrection. Now, a unit will not self heal for 10 seconds after taking damage. This is great as it prevents certain units being unkillable in certain situations due to out healing damage, such as a single Rocketeer vs a Crazy Ivan. This affects most units in the mod, so healing may be adjusted in future patches to compensate.
  • TWENTY-TWO BRAND NEW MULTIPLAYER MAPS- many made exclusively for this mod, and all of great quality!
  • And dozens more changes, including many balance adjustments, bug fixes and graphical tweaks.
Here are a few of the new maps.


You can view the full changelog here.
YouTube Content
As always, the YouTube channel has been continually updated with new content - and that will continue! Subscibe to the channel for updates on every video.

The patch can be downloaded and manually installed, if you are unable to use the client updater for whatever reason.


Remember you can always join our Discord for active discussion and first-look at every upcoming patch!

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Posted by OmegaBolt on August 2, 2018. View Comments 0

Patch 2.2.7 released!

Another month, another patch! This time with brand new, exclusive maps, a new gamemode and a whole lot of balance tweaks and bug fixes.


Here's an example of the new gamemode, and one of the new maps!



Big Features

  • FULL CNCNET SUPPORT - which means you can now view the number of online players from the client user bar (move your cursor near the top of the client window). You can also now visit the main CnCNet lobby from the YR Red-Resurrection client.
  • NINE NEW MAPS - Including 6 exclusive 1v1s and 3 2v2s.
  • ONE NEW GAMEMODE - Competitive, with a small select map pool and fixed options for tournament play.
  • And lots more changes... ranging from bug fixes to balance tweaks to graphical improvements.

You can view the full changelog here.


The patch can be downloaded and manually installed, if you are unable to use the client updater for whatever reason.




Remember you can always join our Discord for active discussion and first-look at every upcoming patch!


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Posted by OmegaBolt on June 1, 2018. View Comments 0

Patch 2.2.6 released!

After a couple of weeks of balance testing, a new patch is released that contains a bunch of fixes for things, balance changes and new artwork.


Due to the overwhelming traffic from users using the website and downloading updates the website has been offline for the last 15 days as bandwidth was exceeded. As such I will restrict future updates to likely one per month, unless there's some desperate fix needed, and encourage people to download the manual install from ModDB when possible.
Here's a complete list of changes below.

  - Updated Ares to latest test build
  - Updated manual
  - Updated AI:
    - Should now build more ore miners
    - Now functions with less money, and less cheating (unless Brutal AI is enabled). Denying miners can actually cripple their eco
    - Can now build and use the Cybernetics Core
    - Gets to T4 slower, building other things first instead
    - Should build more defences (particularly anti-air)
  - Updated missions:
    - S06: can no longer build Iron Curtain
  - Snow Place Like Home (4): fixed visible light posts and shroud glitch at the top of the map
  - Wojtek HP increased from 1250 to 1400
  - Liberty Tank HP increased from 650 to 750
  - Bishop HP reduced from 600 to 500
  - Prism Tank HP reduced from 1000 to 900
  - Combat Drugs: 50% firepower bonus replaced with a 40% rate of fire boost
  - Lightning Storm superweapon area of effect increased from 16 to 20
  - Flamethrower has gotten a new cameo
  - Bazooka cameo updated
  - Psi Corps Trooper has gotten a new cameo
  - Desolator has gotten a new cameo
  - Dante HP decreased from 900 to 800
  - Hammer Tank HP increased from 750 to 850
  - Tesla Mammoth damage per bolt increased from 140 to 180
  - Perun damage per lightning bolt reduced from 200 to 150
  - Flak Cannon received new artwork
  - Fusion Thrusters:
    - Duration reduced from 1 minute to 45 seconds
    - Speed boost reduced from 60% to 50% increase
    - Now also boosts rate of fire by 50% but decreases firepower by 25% (so an effective 25% firepower increase)
  - Mammoth Tank:
    - Now has a cameo (in case of being reverse engineered)
    - Cost reduced from 1750 to 1500
    - HP reduced from 1800 to 1500
  - Russian style wall towers should no longer display a missing string

The patch can be downloaded and manually installed, if you are unable to use the client updater for whatever reason.


Remember you can always join our Discord for active discussion and first-look at every upcoming patch!

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Posted by OmegaBolt on May 2, 2018. View Comments 0

Soviet Invasion Confirmed
Progress has come to a head on the development of YR Red-Resurrection 2.2, Commander. The Soviets have amassed their armies, the Allies are prepped for war and the world is a powder keg waiting to blow any day now! Who will you fight for?


Yes, this means the next release is imminent and will feature:
  • Two factions, the Allies and the Soviets with new arsenals.
  • Four countries per faction, each with 12-15 unique units, structures and support powers.
  • An entirely rebalanced experience with rapid, dynamic gameplay providing the player with plenty of opportunities for attack.
  • Over 300 multiplayer maps and several game modes, including Dead Rising - where infantry killed in combat rise from the dead.
  • The vanilla Red Alert 2 campaign ported to work with the additional content of Red-Resurrection.
  • The CnCNet 5 client from rampastring, with additional unique features and menu themes.
To tie you over I've also uploaded a few more videos to youtube recently, the latest of which is a 2v2 with me & tyhednus vs AdmiralPit & modder666 (of Final War). Mistakes were made.

Stay tuned.

Posted by OmegaBolt on March 26, 2018. View Comments 0

YR Red-Resurrection on CnCNet 5

Resurrected for CnCNet 5

In the two years since the last update I totally quit Yuri's Revenge modding after being tired with combating the engine and running out of stamina when it came to adding additional content, which felt like a strange necessity as if there was some kind of bloat war taking place in my mind. Knowing however that the mod was no longer easily accessible with the shutdown of CnCNet 4, I have decided to go back and update it for CnCNet 5, bringing with it the new interface and client to play the mod more easily. Here is a preview of the interface:


I cannot stress enough how vital Starkku of Project Phantom has been to this effort in providing his build of the client and supporting my use of it, and of course Rampastring for making it in the first place. What's more is that the mod is being updated with additional content and sweeping tech tree changes. There are dozens more units, mainly focusing on making each of the countries more unique in capability and playstyle as well as new gamemodes, more multiplayer maps to play on and a conversion of the original Red Alert 2 campaign for funsies.


Progress on this update is steady and I aiming to get it out before the end of the year. In the meantime here is a 1v1 match played between Alstar as Japan and Asylum as the Confederation.

If you would like to playtest the new build then I am running an open beta on the YR Red-Resurrection discord channel. So join in and give your feedback!

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Posted by OmegaBolt on August 8, 2017. View Comments 0

YR Red-Resurrection 2.1 Released!

YR Red-Resurrection 2.1 Released!

Red-Resurrection Multiplayer Beta 2.1 is here packaged in an easy to use installer! The mod comes packaged with all you need to play including Ares and CNCNet and no longer conflicts with other mods.



Also Including...

  • The latest and greatest Ares 0.6 stable release for better performance and new features!
  • A brand new mod launcher created by Thear of C&C Amnesia.
  • A new aerial arsenal for the Allied forces.
  • Re-introduced the Megawealth gamemode with 17 maps to choose from.
  • An improved AI.
  • Bugs and balance changes including an overhaul of all weapon ranges.
  • Improved visuals with a new voxel palette meaning nicer unit lighting and other graphical tweaks.

Download Now
View 2.1 Changelog


Official Website
Official Forums
Installation Help

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Posted by OmegaBolt on May 11, 2014. View Comments 0

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