Many were not pleased with the old monarchy in Yugoslavia, a country of many different nationalities and visions. After the war, with the tyrants toppled, a fresh democracy arose, but not without its own difficulties. With one party coming after another and nationalities fighting among themselves, the Serbian communists saw an opportunity. They organized a coup d'ètat and reunified Yugoslavia through force of willpower. Thanks to cooperation with Russia, the country grew in strength soon after.
Being aware that with Second Great War equipment they were easy prey, the Yugoslavian government put great emphasis on military research in its budget. Rejuvinating the as yet unrealised potential of Serbia's favourite son, Nikola Tesla, they were able to fulfill aspirations to arm themselves with his potent electrical and energy based weapons. The great leap in technology in many fields that followed even allowed Yugoslavia to construct civilian and military satellites, reaching orbit before their competitors in the ensuing space race.